To celebrate the last day of the year, Chris and I went out with some friends last night. We got a last minute baby sitter for Owen yesterday. He went to his buddy Drew's grandparents house for his first sleepover with friends. I hear they have had a great time, a few spats, but overall he's done great. I'm excited to get the little guy back home and give him his New Year smooch from momma. :) I took some pictures of Chris and I on the last day of the year before we headed out. Its kind of funny to think that once your child does go away for the night you really just want to lounge on the couch and do nothing but relax! But we got dolled up and went out with some friends to downtown Nashville. It was a great time, lots of laughs, and we never really go out anymore so it was nice to get out. We started the night with our dear friends, the Jacobi's, at one of their friends' houses. Then we made our way down to Broadway where we watched the guitar drop with the thousands of other people downtown! After the guitar dropped, we went back out to East Nashville to a little bar called 3-Crow and had a few drinks. We rang in the new year with a bang and didn't get home until nearly 3am! That outing will last us until late 2011 probably. :)

Thanks to everyone who has followed me throughout the year. Its been a journey and I have learned so much and can see my growth. I hope 2011 brings you all Peace, Love & Happiness. Look for me in 2011 as I'll be doing a Project 52, one photo a week.
Goodbye 2010 and Project 365...Hello 2011!