Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 169 - Friday Night Pizza

O is finally starting to like pizza! toppings more than the crust, but hey we're getting there. I can't wait til the days when we can have Friday night pizza and movies and he will actually sit through a movie with us. This afternoon we went to our neighbors house swimming. They just got a really nice above ground pool a week ago. It was O's first time in a big pool this summer and he did great! They have three kids, the youngest is 7, and they all just adore "Little Owen" as they call him. I had a hard time getting him to get out! With only a short nap in the car from the morning under his belt, we fell asleep in my bed after 5pm...I had to wake him up after 7! He and his daddy just went to bed. I think this is the latest he's ever stayed up. Maybe he will sleep in, but I'm certainly not getting my hopes up.

On another note. Yesterday we got O his first bike. He loves it. I just have to share these adorable shots from last night after we got home with it. They're just too cute not to share. :)

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