Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 165 - Daylilies

Our daylilies are blooming finally! I was trying to take some pics of them, but had a little partner in crime helping me out. He ended up stealing my reflector, sitting down on it, saying he was having a picnic, wearing it on his head, and wouldn't give it back. Its the story of my life. The dead flower that he's touching here looks kinda like a freaky crawfish or something. ha!


  1. It does look like a crawfish :O) ha ha Beautiful flowers!! Do you use your reflector a lot?? Love it?? Which one do you have?

  2. Thanks Courtney.
    I do like my reflector, although I don't use it as much as I should. I need to try to use it more! I have the 5-in-1 from Impact. :)
